学校の教科は4つの分野を網羅することになります。それら4分野とは、①癒し ②神の御国 ③リレーションシップ(人間関係) ④7つのマウンテン・マンデート(これらは神から私たちに委託された7つの権威の山であり、すなわち、1. 宗教 2. 家族 3. 教育 4. 政府 5. メディア 6. 芸術/スポーツ 7. ビジネス/技術の分野です)、それに加えてアクティベーション(活性化)を含んだ8つの教科です。
もし私たちのミニストリースクールに興味があり、経費やカリキュラム等の詳細が必要であれば、ジョシュア・フレイにメールしてください。 hrssm@healingrooms.com
ヒーリングルーム・ミニストリー ディレクター
Healing Rooms School of City Transformation
You may be aware that we have just completed a year of the Healing Rooms School of Supernatural Ministry. After evaluating this past year with Bethel School of Ministry and seeking the Lord, we are in agreement that we should develop our own school that has a healing model with an emphasis on city transformation using our own resources.
Our goal is to provide a school to you with the greatest benefit and at the least cost possible.
The school subjects will cover four areas: healing, the Kingdom of God, relationships, and seven mountain mandate as well as eight other subjects including activation.
The school will be provided on DVD’s with live streaming from Spokane. This will allow you to have flexibility in time zones and class scheduling. All streaming will be archived so it can fit your class time. Our research shows that the best class times are evenings in mid week, with one Saturday a month for activation. Two evenings for three hours should complete the school in six months. Our goal through streaming is to establish relationship with the school coordinators and students for equipping, questions/answers, and activation.
A good plan would be for the Healing Room director to cast the vision for a school in their city. The director should recommend someone with a vision for the school to be appointed as the coordinator and contact our school administrator in Spokane so he can provide you with all the necessary materials.
Our proposal is that all upfront costs will be covered by student tuition. It will only take three students to cover this cost to begin the school. In year two, you will have already paid for the DVD school and your costs should be minimal. Anyone in your city should be invited to attend the school.
If you are interested in having our school and need details on cost and curriculum please e-mail Joshua Frey at hrssm@healingrooms.com
For His Glory,
Cal Pierce, Director, Healing Rooms Ministries
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